Extended DISC® Tailored ReportsExtended DISC®

Tailored Report is a modified version of Extended DISC Personal Analysis Report.

You can simply change the appearance of the report or you can add content to a standard Personal Analysis Report by creating an “Optional Section” that could be a workbook, reading instructions, information about you etc. Once you have a Tailored Report, you can choose to use it each time you create a new access code.

Tailored Reports can consist of any of the following modified components:

•The look
•Cover page logo
•Left bottom logo
•Report colour
•Answering interface layout
•The content
•Page headings
•Instructions on motivators pages
•Optional Section (reading guide)
Research Module and Job Comparison can also be included in a tailored report. Each tailored report is valid for 2 years after which it can be renewed or cancelled.

You can create your own tailored report or use on of the tailored reports already created by Extended DISC®:

•Sales Assessment
•Leadership Assessment
•Customer Service Assessment
•Sales Manager Assessment
•Authorised Reseller Assessment
•Real Estate Professional Assessment