how to play and use The Coaching Game:

how to play and use The Coaching Game:

We recommend using The Coaching Game as a professional tool, with one or more players in one or more of the following situations:

  •  When you want to infuse a breath of fresh air, fun, and spice into a process
  •  When you want to bypass the logic of the executive or employee, and broaden his or her present point of view
  •  when you observe that the executive or employee finds it difficult to express him-or herself, and you sense blockage or stuckness, 

the game aids in articulating issues and feelings s/he may not have words to express. In such a case, you can pull out the game spontaneously, and let it gently “peel back the layers”.

Following is an example from among infinite possibilities for working with The Coaching Game one on one in organizations:

1. Define with the executive or employee the topic that s/he wants to explore.
Example: attaining sales targets. The process begins when both of you understand clearly what sales
targets are desired.

2. Tell the executive / employee that s/he is about to undergo a process in an unconventional way.
Take out the Coaching Cards and spread them out between you face up (click here to read about the
face-down option).

3. Give the executive / employee five minutes to choose three cards:

a. A card that reflects what might be preventing him or her from achieving sales targets
b. A card that reflects what might aid him or her to achieve sales targets
c. A card that reflects what s/he could remind him-or herself during the process of attaining sales targets
While the manager / employee is choosing his or her cards, we observe him or her and the choosing process:
Observe which cards his or her gaze rests on, whether it’s easy or hard for her to choose, and her facial
expression and body language.

4. When the executive / employee has chosen, focus on the first card, letting him or her explain why s/he chose it,
i.e., because of a word that caught his or her eye? The photo? Which other cards were candidates? How does this
card relate to achieving the sales goals that have been set? How does the card manifest itself in his or her day-to-
day routine? Repeat with the other two cards chosen.

5. While talking about the card with the executive / employee, suggest to her that s/he open the Coaching Book to
the corresponding page and read aloud what’s written there (or you can read).
The texts in the book will give you
additional points of view on each card, thereby sharpening the connection between the chosen cards and
attaining sales goals.

6. After the executive / employee has given her point of view on the cards s/he chose, and after you’ve read the
corresponding text in the Coaching Book (optional), you can give your point of view on
a. The cards s/he chose and how you believe they actually relate to achieving sales targets
b. his or Her card-choosing process, including the cards s/he rejected
c. The cards you would have chosen for her
d. …anything else you wish to add

7.At the end of the process, give the executive / employee a few minutes to contemplate the process and to write on
the Coaching Ticket 1) the significant insight gained from the process, and 2) what s/he plans to do in order to
attain sales goals
a. In the upcoming 24 hours
b. In the upcoming week
c. In the upcoming month
When s/he’s finished writing, ask her to read what s/he wrote aloud, and guide her in clarifying her insight and
commitment to what’s written on her Coaching Ticket. For more information on using the Coaching Ticket Notepad.


Points of You - The Coaching Game

Points of You - The Coaching Game is available from Talent Tools  

for just $189 Including GST


"A workshop in a box" - a creative tool that 

  • can easily integrate and adapt to any  workshop theme, coaching, therapy or counseling sessio
  •  Specifically designed for professionals, yet makes a great tool for individuals
  •  Fun and easy to use - play it with your clients, family, friends and with... yourself!
  •  A unique gift for yourself and / or someone you love


The Coaching Game includes:

  •  A unique deck of 65 Coaching Cards
  •  A 165-page, full-color Coaching Book
  •  A Four-Quadrant Process layout chart
  •  A Coaching notepad