About DISC

The letters D, I, S and C are an acronym for DISC. DISC stands for the four primary DISC personalities. The DISC profiles are Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance. Each DISC profile is associated with certain behaviours or observable characteristics.


What are the four DISC personality types?

The DISC Personality types originate from the work of Carl G Jung and William Moulton Marston, who identified four primary personality types that correspond to different behavioural responses. The main characteristic of each disc profile type is used as a representative word for that type. 

The DISC personality profile descriptions are:

When placed on two overlapping axes, the disc personality types form four DISC quadrants. 

Four-Quadrant Model

Carl G. Jung proposed four primary functions of consciousness, and each created a behavioural axis.

  1. Sensing - Intuition
  2. Thinking - Feeling

Jung's work formed the basis of the four-quadrant model later developed by Marston. By placing the two axes at right angles, four quadrants form. Each describes a behavioural pattern, which we refer to as the four DISC personality types.

About Extended DISC


The Extended DISC (ED) Behavioural Assessment is a self-assessment that identifies the natural and adjusted behavioural style preferences of an individual, along with supporting information including their strengths, motivators, and performance propensities. Unlike other DISC products, Extended DISC was developed specifically for the workplace environment.

An Extended DISC personal analysis report provides specific and unique tips for individuals to optimise their performance, support their development and enhance communication and leadership in the workplace. Using our Extended DISC assessments we help consultants whose clients are frustrated with the challenges of workplace behaviour and its effect on productivity. By partnering with consultants, 97% have noticed a positive impact on company culture and workplace behaviour. 

The Extended DISC assessment is quick and easy to implement, trespondents can answer the online questionnaire in 8-10 minutes. What makes an Extended DISC Behavioural Analysis  {link} different from other assessments is that the questionnaire was designed to measure the person's natural unconscious behaviour eluding social desirability bias and  environmental impacts. This allows you to identify a person’s natural behavioural style and how they feel they need to adjust in their current work-role and environment. From this comparison we can identify a number of key feelings such as pressure and lack of confidence which enhance employee mental health and wellbeing.

The Extended DISC system uses strict internal rules for identifying and not processing further, inconsistent responses that do not meet its validity and reliability standards. If there was no analytics to identifying questionable responses (which are absent in the majority of DISC products) the overall validity of the results and report is report is unknown,and cannot be relied upon. 

Extended DISC provides organisations with the information you need to make sound employee decisions and best support each staff member. ED is a quick, cost-effective and easy to use tool  to maximise performance and wllbeing at the individual, team and organisational levels. 

The tool supports individuals and businesses to improve relationships, communication  {link} and critical other aspects of business such as management and sales through its speiaclity reports. For example, an Extended DISC leadership assessment supports the development of leadership skills, building on the individual's natural appitude and capacity, and also teaches leaders to communicate and delegate effectively to engage and support each employee. 

Extended DISC assessments are based on concepts of human behaviour from well-renowned psychologists and behavioural theorists. Today Extended DISC assessments are part of human management systems of organisations all across the world, with over one million assessments completed annually.

Extended DISC Behavioural Assessments are the only DISC assessments  {link} in the world that can be completely customised to your unique needs and applications.

Contact us to start using Extended DISC assessments in your organisation. It takes less than 30 minutes to set-up your account for you to start using the assessments.