Values Pendulum®

Values Pendulum® combines principles central to Developmental Psychology, Neuroplasticity and Human Energy Systems, resulting in a holistic view of human growth and its complexity in an ever-changing, dynamic environment. It provides valuable insight into the beliefs and attitudes that are conspiring for the individual's success or holding them back from reaching their full capability.
Values Pendulum® was created for individuals and coaches just like you to understand how someone creates the success they desire in their life or how they may be holding themselves back.
A persons attitudes, values and beliefs are extremely powerful. Some have been consciously and deliberately created as a response to experiences in life, others take shape unconsciously.
A persons past, their upbringing, family influences, friends and significant defining moments in life all impact and influence the values, attitudes and beliefs of today.
By shining a light on current values, attitudes and beliefs you are empowered with the knowledge of where you may need to adjust them to enable you to think differently, make different choices and behave in a way that supports the success you desire in each area of life.
Values Pendulum® is used by individuals and coaches just like you that seek to:
- Improve the quality of their relationships with self and others
- Become empowered to seek out opportunities and experiences to fulfill on career goals
- Develop a more resourceful relationship with money and cultivate a wealth mindset to be better positioned to bring about the level of abundance sought in life
- Reach untapped levels of health and wellbeing
- Live a vibrant and fulfilling life driven by purpose and meaning
As a coach, you are uniquely positioned to help people reach these outcomes in their life. What you have been missing is a simple tool that gets to the heart of your client and uncovers their core drivers that influence the choices and decisions they make in their life. Armed with this information, you are best positioned to help your client create shifts where required and implement real and sustainable change in their lives. Values Pendulum® is the first tool that uncovers the specific attitudes and beliefs that drive human thought and behaviour. It simply is the missing link! The Values Pendulum® model and system is simple yet very robust and versatile.
Model founded on decades of proven Psychological theory ensuring a strong and proven foundation.
Based on the belief human growth is constant, fluid and dynamic not fixed and static enabling change to occur rather than excuses be made.
Targets and brings to light the core issues blocking your clients success
Uncovers the limiting beliefs of your client across all life areas
Gives you the power to "mind-read" your client accurately, with certainty and confidence to build rapport and trust quickly
As a coach, you are uniquely positioned to help people reach these outcomes in their life. What you have been missing is a simple tool that gets to the heart of your client and uncovers their core drivers that influence the choices and decisions they make in their life. Armed with this information, you are best positioned to help your client create shifts where required and implement real and sustainable change in their lives. Values Pendulum® is the first tool that uncovers the specific attitudes and beliefs that drive human thought and behaviour. It simply is the missing link! The Values Pendulum® model and system is simple yet very robust and versatile.

- Model founded on decades of proven Psychological theory ensuring a strong and proven foundation
- Based on the belief human growth is constant, fluid and dynamic not fixed and static enabling change to occur rather than excuses be made
- Targets and brings to light the core issues blocking your clients success
- Uncovers the limiting beliefs of your client across all life areas
- Gives you the power to "mind-read" your client accurately, with certainty and confidence to build rapport and trust quickly
The Values Pendulum® Model is founded on the following beliefs: that change is possible for everyone, growth is constant and we are each responsible for the level of happiness and fulfillment we experience. It comprises seven core lens that we use to perceive and interact with our world, that operate in a hierarchy, and are founded on a set of values, attitudes and beliefs that either work for us or against us and the achievement of our goals. Certification enables you to understand, interpret and debrief the Values Pendulum® Profile, which provides you with a guide of the internal workings of your clients mind.

- Accurately identifies the primary and secondary lens through which your client perceives their world and how this translates into resourceful and unresourceful behavioural patterns
- Contains a powerful three pronged motivational model that unlocks your clients key drivers
- Uncovers and addresses your clients openness and approach to change
- Gain access to insightful and comprehensive open ended questions for you to use in client conversations designed to create profound insight
- Supported by "done for you" materials and resources you can incorporate into your program and service offering
The Values Pendulum® Profile tool uncovers the dominant lens of your client, explores how this impacts each area of their life and identifies where to target growth initiatives to adapt your client's perception to create real and lasting change in all areas of their life. It is a powerful tool able to detail the limiting beliefs holding your client back from achieving the outcomes they seek, getting to the heart of the issue effortlessly and empowering you with a framework, roadmap and structure to guide your client towards change.
- Simple to administer and easy for your client to complete in just 15 minutes through an engaging user experience
- Has applications for one on one growth, team dynamics and business culture change
- Can be easily incorporated into your current business model to immediately add value to your service offering
- High value marketing mechanism to help attract new clients and re-engage past clients
- Enables you to focus on your client across all areas of life or specialise based on your unique expertise