Client Testimonals for Extended DISC

Below are some testimonals from our clients in Australia, New Zealand and the world:


Dr. Marshall Goldsmith
"Finally, assessments that provide results for behavioral change, not just analysis reports. Extended DISC® assessments are pragmatic, concise and easy-to-use. They provide a practical model that improves individual, team and organizational performance."
Member, Peter Drucker Foundation
One of the World’s Top Consultants, HR Magazine
Rated Top 5 Executive Coaches, Forbes
Rated Top 10 Consultant, Wall Street Journal
Co-editor of the best-sellers The Leader of the Future and Leading Beyond the Walls and Learning Journeys


Pfizer, Inc.
"The versatility of the Extended DISC® tool to create instant reports on team dynamics and work pairs with no need for additional data input or participant surveying is another reason this is our DISC product of choice."

Ashley Miles - Director, Worldwide Learning and Development


TMI, Inc.
“Extended DISC® has continually exceeded our expectations during the years. Having these tools allows us to be more effective with our clients, which ultimately saves them both time and money.”

Brent Strehlow - President


Abbott Laboratories
"Using the Extended DISC® can make us a more efficient company and a better place to work."

Cathe Johnson, Ph.D. - Director, Diagnostics Division, Asia Pacific Human Resources


St. Vincent Hospitals and Health Care
“As a devotee of the Myers-Briggs I was curious, but skeptical about the claim made by the practitioners of the Extended DISC® that I could so quickly be supplied with useful information about myself and my team. To my surprise and delight they delivered on their promise. . . and then some.”

David J. Llewellyn - Organizational Development Consultant


The Global Coaching Network, Inc.
"There are many good assessment tools on the market for use in coaching and leadership development—Extended DISC® is just more effective."

Jerold V. Tucker - Principal


University Associates, Inc.
"A number of members of our consulting and training group, including myself, are certified and have experience with many tools, such as MBTI, HBDI, SYMLOG, etc. When we were introduced to Extended DISC®, we were so impressed that we made it the primary tool in our consulting and training. Extended DISC® is the easiest to learn, the most user-friendly, the most versatile, and enjoys wider applications for doing personal analysis, team analysis, and organizational analysis."

Jack L. Knight - President/CEO