Conflict Dynamics Profile - FAQFAQs1. How is the CDP different from other conflict instruments? 1The CDP focuses on conflict behaviors, not styles. Since behaviors are more susceptible to change, the CDP is designed to bring tangible improvements to a person's performance. The CDP is also available in both self-assessment and multirater versions with the latter including feedback delineated among boss, peers, and direct reports. The multirater version of the CDP produces a complete "conflict profile" by providing feedback on:
what provokes an individual The CDP focuses on conflict behaviors, not styles. Since behaviors are more susceptible to change, the CDP is designed to bring tangible improvements to a person's performance. The CDP is also available in both self-assessment and multi-rater versions with the latter including feedback delineated among boss, peers, and direct reports. The multirater version of the CDP produces a complete "conflict profile" by providing feedback on:
2. Who is able to administer the CDP? Although the Conflict Dynamics Profile® Feedback Report is user-friendly, the feedback can be very powerful for some individuals. Since the role of the facilitator is important to the value of the feedback, we require that the instrument be administered only by certified professionals.
Therefore, only people who have successfully completed the requirements for certification, and have a certification certicate issued by Eckerd College, are able to purchase reports from Eckerd College, and administer the CDP-360 and CDP-Induvidual. 3. Can I use the CDP in my business or organisation if I am not certified? Yes, however, you will need to partner with a Talent Tools' certified CDP consultant to obtain the reports. Talent Tools' certified CDP consultants are able to administer the reports on your behalf, and provide CDP Reports either to you, or direct to your client/s. Debriefing the report with each candidate is essential, and includes provision of a comprehensive Developmental Workbook for each candidate. All of this is available through the services of Talent Tools.
Although both versions of the CDP offer feedback about conflict behaviors, there are differences between the two instruments which should be considered before planning training/coaching interventions. The primary distinction is that the CDP-I is a “self-report” (it only looks at how you view yourself), whereas the CDP-360 is a full-spectrum tool which gives not only your self-view but also delineates feedback from boss, peers, and direct reports. In addition, the CDP-360 feedback report is much more extensive than the CDP-I feedback report and offers an in-depth view of a person’s responses to conflict. Given this difference, some users choose the CDP-I for introductory programs, situations where the participants are less experienced, or as part of a longer program where many topics are being discussed. The CDP-360 is ideal for mid to upper-level managers who want concentrated feedback, programs specifically on conflict, or instances where a person has already taken the CDP-I and would now like to go further with their developmental planning. Much depends on the objectives of the intervention, the person’s previous experience with assessment instruments, and the overall context in which the feedback will be given.
The cost varies depending on the number of reports purchased at any one time, and the debriefing requirements and other service options choosen by the purchaser. Please contact Talent Tools to discuss your requirements CDP (Conflict Dynamics Profile) requirements.
Author:Talent Tools |