Recruitment ReportsWritten on the 30 April 2014 by EDA & Talent Tools Our online platform, FinxS, provides us with the ability to design the content and format of reports to the specifications of individual clients, this article is about one designed for a recruitment company.
This client choose a reporting format with bullet points, rather than prose options, to help the candidate better understand the report; and a work book format so they could use the report as a tool to assist in their own self-development. Some of the componentds they choose were:
Next they chose the specific competencies required by their client from the huge bank of over 1000 (and growing) competencies available in the FinxS system. In this instance the focus was:
We could have selected many other headings focusing more on actual job roles, such as Administration, Sales or Leadership and Management, and many more….but this additional information is available in any subsequent report at no additional cost! In other words, once the basic information is captured by the candidate answering the questionnaire online, no further effort is necessary by the candidate (or the recruitment company, - apart from ordering a second report) to obtain more specific job related information. The other important thing is that our reports can drill down deeper in reporting on such emotions as stress. The report considered twenty likely indicators of the Cause of Stress (an extract is provided below); it could have also included information on the Signs of Stress, and suggestions on How to Alleviate Stress for this candidate. Finally the recruitment company provided promptional copy and graphics for the last page of the report., so that the report also becomes promotional material for their business. This report is just one example of a raft of different reports we have customised for clients. Please contact Talent Tools toll-free in Australia on 1800 768 569; worldwide on 61 7 3103 0177 or by email, for more information about how behavioural profiling can save you from making expensive recruitment mistakes.
Author:EDA & Talent Tools |