The Benefits of Effective Conflict Management = Benefits of Conflict Competence

Written on the 7 June 2018 by Talent Tools

The Benefits of Effective Conflict Management = Benefits of Conflict Competence


1. Reduces costs

  • It enhances the ability to make better business decision
  • New initiatives are implemented more effectively and with more cohesion
  • Generates increased return on investment by getting teams and workforces all pulling in the same direction.
  • Reduces recruitment and training costs due to better employee retention

2. Increases productivity

  • A more cohesive workforce reduces absenteeism and "presenters"
  • It improves the quality of decision making under stress and reduces the amount of re-work required
  • Foster an environment of creative innovation which helps drive the organisation forward

3. Retain your top performers

  • It helps to strengthen supervisory relationships
  • It keeps your teams engaged and openly communicating with each other
  • Empowers your people to make a positive difference

4. Manage risk

  • Prevents aggression, violence, sabotage, and vandalism amongst disgruntled staff
  • Mitigates legal risks
  • Fosters a better public perception of your organisation's brand and reduces bad word of mouth


Workplace conflict drains energy, time and money
Ineffective conflict management costs your company money, inhibits action and hampers innovation.  Creditable surveys indicate, and some of you have probably experienced this, that managers spend 20 to 40 percent of their time dealing with conflict in the workplace. 
Conflict saps your organisation's energy and diminish profits - and no one is immune.  Whether you are a team leader, a manager or a member of your organisation's leadership team, the ability to handle difficult situations constructively is critical to business success.


What is Conflict Competence?

Conflict competence is the ability to develop and use cognitive, emotional, and behavioral skills that enhance productive outcomes of conflict while reducing the likelihood of escalation or harm. 
The results of conflict competence include:

  • improved relationships
  • creative solutions, and
  • lasting agreements for addressing current and future challenges. 

Improving your conflict competence involves understanding the dynamics of conflict and your own responses to it, cooling down by managing your emotions, slowing down and reflecting on what is happening in conflicts, and engaging the other person constructively.

The ability to manage conflict effectively represents a strategic business advantage.


Talent Tools provides a range of workplace conflict management training courses and workshops utilising the Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP) assessment.

To find out what triggers your emotions in situations take the HOT BUTTON test today.

Discover the tools and training  to help your organisation MANAGE CONFLICT more effectively.


Author:Talent Tools