Strengthscope 360 Feedback Report
Strengthscope360™ is a multi-rater profiler in the Strengthscope® system incorporating co-worker/ stakeholder feedback. This unique assessment enables up to eight co-workers or external stakeholders to provide brief and powerful feedback on how well the individual is using his/her strengths together with recommendations to strengthen their contribution.
Who it’s for
Strengthscope360™ is for anyone who wants to get feedback from their colleagues on their performance as well as gaining insights into how the individual can improve their contribution at work.
What the report includes
The feedback report forms a basis for a strengths-focused feedback session to provide:
- Constructive feedback on the strengths of the person to help them to achieve their personal best at work
- Comparative analysis showing differences between the person’s own views on how effectively they are using their strengths and those of their raters
- Clear indication of the extent to which each strength should be used more or less to improve performance
- Recommendations from co-workers/raters providing ideas for improving the person’s contribution at work
* The Strengthcope360™ report is only available to those who have completed our Strengthscope® Accreditation Training, or as part of a programme or debrief delivered by Talent Tools.
If you would like to find out more about Strengthscope360™, our Accreditation Training or arrange a feedback session delivered by Talent Tools please contact us.