4 Steps to Effective Communication In-house / In-service Workshop
1 Day Workshop (5 to 15 participants)
4 Steps to Effective Communication Workshop
Your success in life - both professional and personal - is determined in a very large part by how well you interact with other people.
The 4 Steps to Effective Communication training is a practical training workshop on more effective communication.
Participants are guided and helped to achieve sustainable behavioural change for improved performance and more fulfilling lives.
This training, and your Communication Style Report, provides a map to more successful interactions with others.
This workshop is very popular for teams and work-groups, staff retreats and conferences.
Train-the-Trainer training is available for those wishing to become accredited to deliver the 4 Steps to Effective Communication Workshop.
Step 1: Understanding Communication and Behavioural Styles
Step 2: Identifying Your Style
Step 3: Identifying the Style of Others
Step 4: Adjusting Your Communication Style + Effective Communication Strategy Development & Action Plan
4 Steps to Effective Communication Self Development Guide (RRC $30)
Effective Communication Quick Reference Card
Workshop Handouts and Exercises
Certificate of Attendance
Additional Cost per participant: $175
eDISC Communication Style Report (RRC $175)
Post-Workshop One-on-one Coaching Session (RRC $250)
The format of this training is an interactive, participative workshop
To find out more, simply email us or call 1800 768 569.