Improving Team Effectiveness In-service / In-house Workshop
One Day Workshop (5 to 15 participants)
If you have ever worked with other people you probably quickly discovered that each person had a unique way of doing things. Sometimes team differences are easily accepted and laughed about, and may even complement each other. Too frequently though teams find that those differences can also cause confusion, stagnation, or frustration. Only when people have a framework to make sense of their differences can they learn what to expect from others and the best way to get what the team needs. This session addresses three of the most common challenges that teams face: motivation, conflict and communication. Participants learn simple intuitive ways to make lasting improvements in team effectiveness.
• Appreciate the diverse needs and preferences of the different behaviour styles
• Recognise and capitalise on the personal motivators that drive a team
• Understand your own conflict style and the impact that it has on others
• Recognise inappropriate or unproductive communication
• Develop the skill to adapt to the diverse styles of your team members
• Enhance team motivation, conflict resolution and communication