How employers and managers can help boost employee resilience
There are a number of things employers can do to help build resilience amongst staff.
Encourage physical wellbeing. Physical health is fundamental to our mental health, and creating a pleasant working environment and promoting healthy behaviour can bring many benefits.
Some ideas:
- Eating healthily - provide fruit for snacking
- Encourage Exercise - walk or bike to work, walk the stairs, provide some exercise equipment
- Quit smoking - offer counselling support
Encourage sensible drinking | change a drinking culture
Promote a healthy psychological environment
To make the workplace a pleasant and happy environment:
- Promote an open and trusting management style and atmosphere
- Train managers to consider the mental wellbeing of staff
- Provide job security and try to avoid regular large-scale restructuring or changeMake jobs varied, interesting and manage workloads
- Reward good work
- Offer flexible working arrangements
Sometimes people require specialist support with physical or mental health issues and may need to be referred on for more support.
Provide specialist support to help maintain good physical and mental health, for example from:
- Employee Assistance Scheme
- human resources
- counselling
- occupational health
- physiotherapy
Promote open communication and strong social networks.
People thrive on friendships and good social interaction, and people who have positive relationships in the workplace are more likely to enjoy coming to work and be productive when they get there.
The following can be helpful:

- Encouraging teamwork.
- Sympathetic managers.
- Team days and work social events.
- How employees can help themselves
Employees can also help themselves to be more resilient at work.
Many experts now see common traits among those who display most resilience, including a strong sense of purpose in what they do and a positive but realistic outlook.
Other ways to build resilience include:
- Building and maintaining good friendships and family relationships - social interaction and support is vital to good mental health
- Being positive seeing problems as a potential learning process rather than drains on energy
- Keeping perspective not turning a drama into a crisis - How people react to situations will determine how well they cope emotionally
- Nurturing a positive self-perception - emphasising to ourselves the things we do well and being kind to ourselves
- Taking time to recharge taking regular breaks - leaving work on time and taking holiday
- Practising mindfulness and meditation as a tool for confronting and managing stress
If you are ready to take the first step in building resilience at our workplace click here.