CliftonStrengths V Extended DISC
Posted by Sharon Hudson, Director, Talent Tools
on 20 June 2023
This week, a client asked me,"How Extended DISC compare with the Clifton Strengths Finder" (recently rebranded as CliftonStrengths)?My simple answer is, "they don't compare".They are different.CliftonStrengths, is a stand-alone and specialist strengths-identifying tool. CliftonStrengths does not use DISC theory. DISC Reports comprehensively cover strengths and other work and role-based preferences, behavioural traits, characteristics, etc. Extended DISC is a lot smarter than th...
Posted in:LeadershipStrengthscopeExtended DISC / FinxSWorkplace Assessments | 0 Comments |
Workplace Assessments - Prep your Particiants for Optimal Outcomes
Posted by Sharon Hudson, Director, Talent Tools
on 6 April 2023
When I see slow workplace assessment questionnaire completion, I wonder whether the participants have been prepped for optimal results. In my experience, there are four questions that participants want to know the answer to before they feel comfortable undertaking any workplace assessment. But they don't want to have to ask these questions.
They are:
Why are we/am I doing this?
What is it going to be used for?
Who is going to see the results?
Who else is d...
Posted in:StrengthscopeExtended DISC / FinxSWorkplace Assessments | 0 Comments |
Extended DISC to improve employee wellbeing
Posted by Martin Rusis
on 22 July 2022
Improving employee wellbeing in the workplace is essential in creating a positive working environment. In pursuit of that goal, there are so many methods that experts might implement to conduct employee assessments. Over the years, there is one that has matured and come to the fore: the DISC model. More specifically Extended DISC.
As one of the most popular human behaviour models in psychology, the DISC model of human behaviour stretches back 100 years to Carl Jung and his early work on beha...
Posted in:Extended DISC / FinxSPopular | 0 Comments |
How the PERMAH Survey taps into your team vibe
on 4 November 2021
In the era of lockdowns, social isolation and videoconferencing, it’s more important than ever for managers like you to take care of your employees. Of course, employee wellbeing has been a central theme in management theory for decades. However, now its impacts on performance and retention have become obvious.
That said, finding the effective employee wellbeing approaches and programs among all the hundreds out there is a steep challenge for busy managers, business owners, HR professi...
Posted in:Employee EngagementPERMAHWorkplace Wellbeing | 0 Comments |
Tested, modern tools to boost employee wellbeing
Posted by Sharon Hudson
on 17 August 2021
Cultivating a positive organisational culture among your employees is a task that some business leaders leave entirely to their HR teams. But, despite so many team-building activities and corporate care events, these workforces still complain of negative working environments. What is a conscientious business to do? Well, perhaps it is time to call in the experts to upskill your staff wellbeing and engagement function.
Talent Tools, a Brisbane-based firm offering workplace psychometric and...
Posted in:DISCPERMAHWorkplace WellbeingStrengthscopeExtended DISC / FinxS | 0 Comments |