What was I doing?
Posted by Sharon Hudson, Director, Talent Tools
on 8 March 2020
Work Interuptus - how to move to the next focus, and back, without losing the plot
I am a fan of Cal Newport's book, Deep Work - Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World, but, I often find it difficult to pick-up where I left off when my Deep Work session is interrupted. I am even interrupted by another interruption before finishing the task of the first interruption!
When I get back to my original Deep Work, a day or week later, I find I have completely l...
Posted in:AccomplishmentPERMAHWellbeingWorkplace WellbeingResilience at Work | 0 Comments |
Most people have a goal to change an aspect of their personality.
Posted by Sharon Hudson, Director, Talent Tools
on 24 May 2019
For most people, personality is reactive and unconscious. However, people can volitionally change their own personality traits. It does require reinforcement specific patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours (Lodi-Smith & Roberts, 2007; Roberts & Wood, 2006).
Increases Extraversion and Conscientiousness are the most common trait change goals, followed by Emotional Stability. Recent research by Hudson and Fraley demonstrates that well-designed psychological interventions can ...
Posted in:DISCDISC Accreditation | 0 Comments |
What's New: Virtual Extended DISC® Accreditation
Posted by Sharon Hudson, Director, Talent Tools
on 25 March 2019
FinxS® is the new online platform for Extended DISC®. Within your branded FinxS® account, which is set up and customised for you following your accreditation, you can automate report generation and also manually generate reports as required. And not just one report per individual but any or all the individual assessments, including teams, work pairs, candidate comparison, or tailored or additional assessment in the system all at no additional cost to you.
The FinxS system c...
Posted in:Extended DISC / FinxS | 0 Comments |
Learn the Six Predictors of Resilience
Posted by Sharon Hudson, Director, Talent Tools
on 15 October 2018
What is resilience? It's an easy concept to grasp, someone who is resilient can meet any adversity and make their way through it. Simple enough. But, what if there is more than that. What if resilience runs deeper than a simple definition, what if it is more than just a mental construct?
To date that is all that resilience has been thought of as. However, ongoing research has provided greater clarity on the microbiological nature of how resilient someone is, and it has suggested th...
Posted in:Resilience at WorkWorkplace ResilienceBuilding Workplace ResiliencePR6 | 0 Comments |
How Resilience Is Your Team?
Posted by Sharon Hudson, Director, Talent Tools
on 17 September 2018
Using the PR6 resilience model we can now understand how effective teams are at working together to build resilience. The PR6 resilience model was developed from the study of the human mind. Years of research has led us to an understanding of the core elements that make up resilience.
The PR6 was scientifically validated as a psychometric scale with a Cronbach's alpha of .7365! For those of you playing at home, the closer the score is to 0.9 the higher the internal consistency o...
The PR6 was scientifically validated as a psychometric scale with a Cronbach's alpha of .7365! For those of you playing at home, the closer the score is to 0.9 the higher the internal consistency o...
Posted in:Resilience at WorkWorkplace ResiliencePR6 | 0 Comments |