Who Pushes Your Buttons? The Five Personality Types
Posted by Sharon Hudson, Director, Talent Tools
on 10 June 2018
Being able to manage conflict at work requires practice and skill. A key input into this process can be in understanding which type of person is most likely to "push your buttons" and how you can best respond in those situations.
Below are five of the most common personality traits that people can find difficult to work with, and how you could change your approach when working and engaging with these types of people. 1. Self Centered ...
Below are five of the most common personality traits that people can find difficult to work with, and how you could change your approach when working and engaging with these types of people. 1. Self Centered ...
Posted in:Conflict Dynamics Profile | 0 Comments |
Selling with SUCCESS: Using DISC to Close the Sale
Posted by Sharon Hudson, Director, Talent Tools
on 31 May 2018
Last time we talked about the five steps great sales professionals use to take their client through the sales process to reach the buying decision.
Selling and "closing the sale" relies on creating an environment in which the client feels comfortable and that they have established an authentic and relatable relationship with the sales professional.
Let's now consider how the DISC model can be used to close the sale:
1. Dominant - 'D' style cl...
1. Dominant - 'D' style cl...
Posted in:DISCExtended DISC / FinxS | 0 Comments |
Selling with SUCCESS: the FIVE steps professional sales agents use..
Posted by Sharon Hudson, Director, Talent Tools
on 21 March 2018
What are the key attributes that differentiate a good salesperson versus a great salesperson? If we think of "selling" as a process which has steps to help guide a customer to reach a buying decision, then there must be elements of that process that can be influenced by the exceptional salesperson?
Some of which include:
- Guiding the customer through the process
- Listening to what the customers' needs are
- Focusing on problem-solving (which is achieved by...
Some of which include:
- Guiding the customer through the process
- Listening to what the customers' needs are
- Focusing on problem-solving (which is achieved by...
Posted in:DISCFinxSFinxS Sales CompetencyFinxS Sales Competency AssessmentSales CompetencySales Competency AssessmentSale AssessmentSales TrainingSalesExtended DISC / FinxS | 0 Comments |
How to get the 4 DISC Styles to Make Decisions in Groups
Posted by Sharon Hudson, Director, Talent Tools
on 21 March 2018
THE FOUR DISC BEHAVIORAL STYLES HOW TO GET THE FOUR STYLES TO MAKE DECISIONS IN GROUPS DISC is a behavioural model developed in the 1950's and today is used worldwide in organisations to help teams work more cooperatively together. It is made up of 4 key styles and because of their different approach to group work they tend to make decisions differently. DISC is used to help determine a course of action when solving problems within a team or assigning jo...
Posted in:DISCDISC AccreditationExtended DISC / FinxS | 0 Comments |
Get Invigorated At Work
Posted by Sharon Hudson, Director, Talent Tools
on 16 March 2018
Do you see people around you who love what they do and think to yourself what are they doing that I'm not? The answer might lie in harnessing one's strengths.
"Strengths are positive traits that are reflected in people's thoughts, feelings and behaviours, helping individuals to maximise their potential and achieve optimal levels of performance."
When we are working to our strengths our natural abilities shine through, what we are doing feels easy and we genera...
Posted in:Strengthscope | 0 Comments |